Its Day 3 - Race to the Stone 100km virtual run
So today was a single run day and as I had to travel into work today, I saved the run for the evening. On the plan was 11km. Was trying to plan a route last night and then decided that I would run to Mile End Park do a loop, run along the canal to Victoria Park and do a Full loop and a half and then run back and that should take me to around 11km. I thought if I felt good I would add another 1km or so.
Set off out at 6pm to drop off some cake to a neighbour and my mum as I am leaving my current job - and a colleague's daughter baked me a beautiful cake. There was no way I wanted to keep all that cake at home so the sensible thing is to share it, right 😋
Started the run feeling good, oh before that I wore my new Runderwear women's base layer top and Runderwear sock. They both felt beautifully cosy! The top was perfect as it looked like it was going to rain, plus I wanted to take it super easy and didn't want to feel cold today. About 5km into the run, I was in Victoria Park by now, the clouds opened up! I loved it. Who would believe that I now love running in the rain. I never used to. It feels so liberating hahaha.
After a few more kms my right shin started to feel a bit tender. I definitely need to wear my compression socks on my next run. Overall my body felt good and I have been keeping up with my water intake today. However, my nutrition was not so good as I only ate a HUGE slice of chocolate cake for lunch washed down with plenty of water.
Podcast of choice today was Marathon Marcus - A Runner's Life; the episode I listened to was #18 - Knox Robinson. Knox is a coach of Nike+ Run Club in New York City, captain and co-founder of Black Roses NYC run collective and a top 100 finisher in New York City Marathon. Another great listen.
Today's run of 11km brings the total so far to 51km/100km; over half way now. Rest day tomorrow (Thursday) then double run day on Thursday.
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